Saturday, March 3, 2012

America Fresh News - A tornado ravaged the U.S., 20 dead

Devastating tornado ravaged the central part of the United States, Friday, March 2, 2012. Not only destroyed the house, damaging the prison, and threw a number of vehicles, high winds were also fatal.

As reported by Reuters, at least 20 people died in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. With details, 13 people were killed in southern Indiana, five in the area around Kentucky, and two in Ohio.

"We are not commensurate to the nature of the opponent is in the worst conditions," said Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels said in a statement. Daniels plans to visit southeastern region, the worst hit by the tornado.

Deadly storms hit the region may also be Henryville, Indiana, in which television shows houses damaged and destroyed.

CNN showed video taken from the air, Indiana showed rescue workers are entering a house that was no longer intact to search for victims, the people who out of his home destroyed, thrown to the school bus crashed into a building. Also some warehouse-like building whose roof is perforated, floated by the wind.

Maj. Chuck Adams of Clark County police said, the tornado also set up a badly damaged school in Henryville. Fortunately no casualties. "All the students had been evacuated to the outside. No one was injured seriously, just scuffed and scratched," he said.

Storms this week caused consternation, 2012 will be a year of disastrous tornadoes, after a similar disaster claimed 550 lives last year - which broke the record for most shut down throughout the centuries. viva

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